Wednesday, May 30, 2007

last day of school

the last day of school was may 24th we got out at 11:30
i will be in 8th grade next year

Monday, May 28, 2007

guess what

we took second in our tour. again for the 3rd time this is now 4 tour. and we took second in 3 of the 4 thats awsome

Sunday, May 27, 2007


i messed up my hips playing football outside in the street at lunch with all the guysand i went up for a ball and got shuved and landed on the cerb
that happened in march
and i got 1 hip brace and that did not help it made it worse and i got a new 1 yesterdayand you wrap it around your leg 2 and around your hips 2 it helps a lot

Monday, May 21, 2007

second place o ya

we took second in our tounament this weekend to and the team gave me the trophy because i was the best defenceve player this weekend because i took us to the championship game from an awsome catch behind second base and i dove for it and cought it and that ended the game and they could of scored if i did not catch that ball and the play befor that it was the same play and i dove and messed up my leg, and my ankle and i still played it was awsome everyone was so proud of me
and the one person who wanted to be there could not and when i stood up i for got that she missed the best play of my softball career it broke my heart and it will for ever
and the rest of my family
my grandpa i wish he was there he would be so proud of my but i am still his super star of corse

Saturday, May 12, 2007


my sister is coming home tomrrow i am so excited she will be home for the summer she is a senior but she is going up there for one more year and then coming to go to unofor a year
i love her she much

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


today is my cousin's birthday he will be 2 years old he is crazy

P.S i am sorry that i have not good at updating my blogs

Saturday, May 5, 2007

spiderman 3

spiderman 3 can out the other day i can not wait to see it i heard its good i am so ecsited me and my 2 aunts, 2 uncles might go and see it together i hope we do