Saturday, December 27, 2008


this weekend im in minnesota with my mom, dad, and sister. we went to the mall and tomorrow we are going to the vikings vs. giants game. GO VIKINGS!! (sorry pa.) love you. :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

merry christmas.

thank you for all the presents fam.
i got clothes, movies, ds games, a neckles, a pic frame, and lots cars stuff.
i hope santa brought you everything you wanted.

Friday, December 19, 2008


today we had our first snow day of the year. :)
i am on christmas break til the 5th.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy thanksgiving.


Monday, November 10, 2008

7 months

it has been 7 months since my acl surgery!!! i cant believe i made it!!! :]

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

hello. sorry.

hello. :]
sorry i havnt been updating i have been really busy with high school and getting my knee better and starting up softball again. :]
so i just started high school and i love it.i have alot of new friends. :]
my knee is alot better i got released last month. i got to play in 3 high school softball games and i went 4 for 4 with a walk. :]

Sunday, June 1, 2008

8 weeks

sorry i have not been keepin up on my blog but ive been busy with physical therapy and softball. ok so i am at 8 weeks now and i can bend it 135 degrees and it just keeps getting better and better. i can walk with out cruches and with out a brace and i dont have to wear the big huge brace i only have to wear a sleave and i can ride a real bike. i cant start running yet and i cant throw and hit yet. i can not wait until i can play softball even hit and throw. my knee is gettin alot better.

Friday, April 11, 2008

monday, tuesday and friday last week

ok heres the thing on monday was supposed to be my first day of physical therapy and when he took everything off my knee it was 3 times bigger then the other one and i was all brosed up and when he look and the botton insition he said that it was infected so he sent me to the er and we get there and there we no infection on everything was goin to be ok and

so on tuesday we went back to the doctors and he said that there was nothin wrong so he put me on new pain pills

so on friday i went back to the doctors and they took out the stiches andi had theripy and i could bend my knee 30 degrees

that was the week of the 7th-11th

Friday, April 4, 2008

the surgery

on monday my whole softball team got me a build a bear and it has a Q on the front and my nickname and a 1 on the back and it has red hair and it also has little cleats they all signed it.
yesterday was the surgery and everything went great and i had to spend the night at the hospital.
(the surgery lasted 2 hours)
(i will have 5 scars)
(i got a dvd of the whole surgery)
(i got a lot of balloons)
and today i got to a come home.

Monday, March 24, 2008

the doctors

ok well today i went to the doctor again to find out when the surgery will be and they said that it will be on thursday april 3rd!
and all he did was answer some of my questions!

Q-when will i get to play again?
A-6 months
Q-when can i have i catch and take hitting practice?
A-3-4 months
Q-will my knee be back to 100% again?when?
A-1 year until i am completely back to normal

Sunday, March 23, 2008

happy easter!

hapy easter!
i hope the easter bunny brought u
something good in your easter basket!
he did in my easter basket i got the
movie bring it on in it to win it, lots of

Thursday, March 20, 2008

very bad

on monday at softball practice we were scrimmaging (our own team) and i was going into home and our catcher hit me and fell on the outside of my knee and my dad rushed me to the ER and they said that i didnt tare any thing and we where there until 1 in the morning so they gave me a big brace and churches and they sent me home

so on tuseday i went to the knee doctor and they did an X-RAY and then they did an MRI to see if i tore my ACL and the said that they would call us tomorrow

so on wendseday they call my dad and said that i did tare my ACL and now i have to have surgery so we have an appointment on monday to see when i have to have the surgery and i MIGHT miss the whole softball season i can barley walk

Thursday, February 28, 2008

basketball game

today i went to the elkhorn girls state basketball game
with 2 of my friends
i got to miss school almost all day
they won 41-36 aginst seward
they did awesome
after the game we went to burger king
we got crowns

Friday, February 15, 2008

happy valentines day

happy late valentines day.
i love u all.
i got dimond earrings, perfume, a shirt, a pair of sweatpants, lots of candy

Saturday, February 9, 2008


sorry i havent been very good at keepin this updated i am goin to try better