Thursday, March 20, 2008

very bad

on monday at softball practice we were scrimmaging (our own team) and i was going into home and our catcher hit me and fell on the outside of my knee and my dad rushed me to the ER and they said that i didnt tare any thing and we where there until 1 in the morning so they gave me a big brace and churches and they sent me home

so on tuseday i went to the knee doctor and they did an X-RAY and then they did an MRI to see if i tore my ACL and the said that they would call us tomorrow

so on wendseday they call my dad and said that i did tare my ACL and now i have to have surgery so we have an appointment on monday to see when i have to have the surgery and i MIGHT miss the whole softball season i can barley walk

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Dude, that sucks! Hang in there... it may take time, but it will heal!! I love you!