Tuesday, February 27, 2007

carebears, eeyore

you should care about things people and animals like carebears and eeyore care about you

Saturday, February 24, 2007


ginger bread houses are the best houses to live in even if i made it

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


this is a softball that i made on the paint program i made it for me and my sister because we both play softball on the ball it says quakes is my softball team and sdsu is for her softball team

Sunday, February 18, 2007

eeyore, nemo

me and my friend got a eeyore and a nemo from our friend for christmas they are so cute

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

the last time

this is the last time i will see her play this is the last time i wiil step on the feild with sdsu (south dakota state univarsity) see is going to go to school there next year but not play softball for them because she is tired of being hurt it is going to be one of the sadest days of my life to see her walk off that feild for the last time with the team she loves more then any other team in the world my sister is one of the best things that happend to me in my life i love her so much on one could ever take her away from me and no one can ever take me away from her i hope she thinks the same way about me
when she pulls up in her little honda that make me fell like my life is complet againg and i run out the door and we hold each other in each others arms and just stand there wishing that the moment could never end
when she leaves we hold each other the same way but never want to let go and a tier runs down both of our cheaks and she walks out the door and its to late to stop her and then in a second she gone and i sit there crying and she can't sit there with me and hold me
i miss my sister more then any thing in the world

Sunday, February 11, 2007


i went to my aunt and uncles house an i played the wii for a really long time it was so much fun. i hope that i get on for my house i would always play it. it is awsome

Saturday, February 3, 2007


you should stop and think about things before you say or do it

Thursday, February 1, 2007

you can do it

have you ever been running down a road and you true a corner and the road is just to long well it's not you have to have faith in yourself, an tell yourself that " you can do it". and if you don't believe in yourself everyone else around you does believe in you so take a chance in life i do every day. i run every day even if i say i can't do i say yes i can and i do because i believe in my self and i know i can do it.
you should believe in every one you ever meet because it will help you in the future
i believe in my family and my friends and you should too.