Thursday, February 1, 2007

you can do it

have you ever been running down a road and you true a corner and the road is just to long well it's not you have to have faith in yourself, an tell yourself that " you can do it". and if you don't believe in yourself everyone else around you does believe in you so take a chance in life i do every day. i run every day even if i say i can't do i say yes i can and i do because i believe in my self and i know i can do it.
you should believe in every one you ever meet because it will help you in the future
i believe in my family and my friends and you should too.

1 comment:

nyjetssb3 said...

Here! Here! I hear ya HK! We miss you here in CO! Mason is getting big and Cam Man is a LUNATIC! I'll send photos soon!Tell your Mom and Pops we said Hi! Did your Dad tell you the Mets are here over the 4th of July????