Wednesday, August 29, 2007


do you ever feel sorry for people that dont have any friends ???
well i feel bad all the time
for example on sunday we were watching a show and some people were helled hostage and they were all let out and everyonewent to there family and friends and there was this one guy that did not have any to go to i felt so bad i had to leave the room because i almost started to cry
if you dont feel bad for those people......
i live to see people smile i love people
i hope you love people too

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


this year i am in 8th grade and we have so much homework i hate it we have homework everyday in pre-al i love 7th and 8th hour
my schedule is
2nda,b-extra reading class (I HATE THIS CLASS)
3rd-language arts
the rest of 5th hour art
7th-american history
so school is going ok

Monday, August 20, 2007

"OUR" day

today me and my sister spent "OUR" day together we have a day every year well today was it

first we went to lunch at hong kong cafe the food was awesome then we were going to go swimming but then it started to rain so we went to see a movie we saw daddy day camp it was so good it was funny then we went swimming and we played games in the pool they were so much fun then we left because it was thundering and that was "OUR" day just like every year

the reason why we have a day together every year at the end of the summer is because she leaves for school the day after i start school so we dont get to spend any time together and not that much time together in the summer because she has to work and i have softball so we dont get to spend that much time together and so we have a day at the end of every summer and we spend the day together

i love it

i love her so much she is the best sister any one can ask for

Sunday, August 12, 2007


yesterday i went golfing with my brother and my sister they are both really good i have never been golfing before i have only been putting before it was so much fun i did really good

Saturday, August 11, 2007

my grandpa

my grandpa is the best pa in the world he will do anything for me i love spending time with him i Love when he comes to my softball games and he cheers me on the whole time and when he comes to my volleyball games he loves to watch me and basketball he say that i am good but that i can be better at the advise he gives me i remember and i put it into the game when i see him in the stans after a great hit or serve or shot and i see his face that makes my day to know that he is there i dont know what i would do with out him
and when i walk in the door when i go to his house it makes me so happy i love when he puts a smile on my face

Thursday, August 9, 2007

yesterday and today

yesterday and today i have been at my aunts new house she just moved yesterday and i helped her paint and get stuff unpacked and put some of it were it goes and we had to clean alot the people did not clean before they left so i was helping her with that and i spent the first night with her
i love her new house it is soooo cute
i cant wait to spend the night there again its fun over there

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

freshman state

last week on friday, saturday,and sunday i played in freshman state for ralston even though i will be going to elkhorn soon i was just subbing for them my best friend is going to go to ralston it was so much fun i met a lot of new people i had alot of fun
we went 1,2 but we did good for only having 2 practices
it was a good experience