Monday, August 20, 2007

"OUR" day

today me and my sister spent "OUR" day together we have a day every year well today was it

first we went to lunch at hong kong cafe the food was awesome then we were going to go swimming but then it started to rain so we went to see a movie we saw daddy day camp it was so good it was funny then we went swimming and we played games in the pool they were so much fun then we left because it was thundering and that was "OUR" day just like every year

the reason why we have a day together every year at the end of the summer is because she leaves for school the day after i start school so we dont get to spend any time together and not that much time together in the summer because she has to work and i have softball so we dont get to spend that much time together and so we have a day at the end of every summer and we spend the day together

i love it

i love her so much she is the best sister any one can ask for


Kelly said...

You are lucky to have such a great sister, but so is she!!! Having a special day together, just the two of you, is such a great way to end the summer... what a wonderful memory until you two can be together again...

Lindsay Blake said...

how much fun is that?! i wish i had a sister to have a day together with!