Monday, December 31, 2007

Friday, December 28, 2007

4 days

4 days until my birthday!!.


i am so excited!..

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

what i got for christmas

what i got for christmas:
a flat screan tv
memory chip for my phone
remote control tow mater
a pair of shoes (just like the uggs)
photo album
picture frame
2 gift cards aropoastal, gordmens

Monday, December 24, 2007


i hope you get lots of presents, and have a great holiday..
i hope santa stops by your house to night...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

christmas stuff

today me and my mom put up all the christmas stuff in our house we got wride of some that we dont put out anymore thats a lot of stuff
i put ALL the ornaments on the tree
i love the christmas season

my mom said that i did a very good job on the tree
because when i was little i use to put all the ornaments
on the bottom

Friday, November 23, 2007

black friday

today was black friday (the day after thanksgiving)
today was a BIG shopping day
my mom,sister,brother went
my mom was at walmart at 1:00am last night thats crazy
we got a new flrt screan tv on sale
we are going to put the christmas stuff up tomorrow
and the countdown begins

Thursday, November 22, 2007

hAPpY tHaNkSgiviNg



Tuesday, October 23, 2007


dont let love stand in your way of life

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


some people need glasses to see fear away but the most important thing to see are the things right in front of you

Thursday, September 27, 2007


why are the vikings so bad
they stink there coach is so bad he is the worst coach in the world
i think that i could do better
who loses to the cheifs and the lions no one but the vikings
be i will always love them because you can never give up on your team

Monday, September 10, 2007

volleyball game

today was our first volleyball game we played waverly the A and the B team lost and the C team won the A team did ok and the B team did not do very well and the C team did good i did good i made all my serves

Monday, September 3, 2007

labor day weekend

this weekend my cousin and my uncle came out from colorado my cousin is 6 years old she is a cutie she is so smart too me and my aunt took her to fun plex on saturday she had so much fun we went on the rides and in the water park i had fun too on sunday we went to my aunts house and then my other aunts house for dinner we had fun this weekend

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


do you ever feel sorry for people that dont have any friends ???
well i feel bad all the time
for example on sunday we were watching a show and some people were helled hostage and they were all let out and everyonewent to there family and friends and there was this one guy that did not have any to go to i felt so bad i had to leave the room because i almost started to cry
if you dont feel bad for those people......
i live to see people smile i love people
i hope you love people too

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


this year i am in 8th grade and we have so much homework i hate it we have homework everyday in pre-al i love 7th and 8th hour
my schedule is
2nda,b-extra reading class (I HATE THIS CLASS)
3rd-language arts
the rest of 5th hour art
7th-american history
so school is going ok

Monday, August 20, 2007

"OUR" day

today me and my sister spent "OUR" day together we have a day every year well today was it

first we went to lunch at hong kong cafe the food was awesome then we were going to go swimming but then it started to rain so we went to see a movie we saw daddy day camp it was so good it was funny then we went swimming and we played games in the pool they were so much fun then we left because it was thundering and that was "OUR" day just like every year

the reason why we have a day together every year at the end of the summer is because she leaves for school the day after i start school so we dont get to spend any time together and not that much time together in the summer because she has to work and i have softball so we dont get to spend that much time together and so we have a day at the end of every summer and we spend the day together

i love it

i love her so much she is the best sister any one can ask for

Sunday, August 12, 2007


yesterday i went golfing with my brother and my sister they are both really good i have never been golfing before i have only been putting before it was so much fun i did really good

Saturday, August 11, 2007

my grandpa

my grandpa is the best pa in the world he will do anything for me i love spending time with him i Love when he comes to my softball games and he cheers me on the whole time and when he comes to my volleyball games he loves to watch me and basketball he say that i am good but that i can be better at the advise he gives me i remember and i put it into the game when i see him in the stans after a great hit or serve or shot and i see his face that makes my day to know that he is there i dont know what i would do with out him
and when i walk in the door when i go to his house it makes me so happy i love when he puts a smile on my face

Thursday, August 9, 2007

yesterday and today

yesterday and today i have been at my aunts new house she just moved yesterday and i helped her paint and get stuff unpacked and put some of it were it goes and we had to clean alot the people did not clean before they left so i was helping her with that and i spent the first night with her
i love her new house it is soooo cute
i cant wait to spend the night there again its fun over there

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

freshman state

last week on friday, saturday,and sunday i played in freshman state for ralston even though i will be going to elkhorn soon i was just subbing for them my best friend is going to go to ralston it was so much fun i met a lot of new people i had alot of fun
we went 1,2 but we did good for only having 2 practices
it was a good experience

Thursday, July 26, 2007

how we did in nationals

in nationals we went 4,2 we had lots of fun
i love going out of town for softball it is so much fun
that was the first nationals i have been to

Sunday, July 15, 2007


my softball team is going to nationals monday to sunday this week i am so excited
so i will not be able to write

Monday, June 25, 2007

the beavers won

the oragon st beavers won the national championship game aginst the north carolina tarheels the beavers won for the second time in the past 2 years

Friday, June 22, 2007

oregon st. beavers VS. north carolina tarhills

for the college world series the championship game is the oregon st beaver VS. north carolina tarhills the first team that wins 2 games will win the cws but if it is split each team won 1 they will go into game 3

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

my softball game last thurs.


Monday, June 18, 2007



Wednesday, June 13, 2007

contacts, glasses

next week i am getting glasses and contants because i cannt see
i dont want to get them
my glasses look like brown frames, they are really cool
i am scared to get contacts because i dont want to put it in my eye wrong and it will hurt
i am not scared to put my finger in my eye though

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

college world series

i go to the cws every year with my dad
and we go for someone different every year
and we get hats of that team
we do not know who we are going for this year

Sunday, June 10, 2007


i went camping this weekend it was so much fun i love when we go camping every year

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

last day of school

the last day of school was may 24th we got out at 11:30
i will be in 8th grade next year

Monday, May 28, 2007

guess what

we took second in our tour. again for the 3rd time this is now 4 tour. and we took second in 3 of the 4 thats awsome

Sunday, May 27, 2007


i messed up my hips playing football outside in the street at lunch with all the guysand i went up for a ball and got shuved and landed on the cerb
that happened in march
and i got 1 hip brace and that did not help it made it worse and i got a new 1 yesterdayand you wrap it around your leg 2 and around your hips 2 it helps a lot

Monday, May 21, 2007

second place o ya

we took second in our tounament this weekend to and the team gave me the trophy because i was the best defenceve player this weekend because i took us to the championship game from an awsome catch behind second base and i dove for it and cought it and that ended the game and they could of scored if i did not catch that ball and the play befor that it was the same play and i dove and messed up my leg, and my ankle and i still played it was awsome everyone was so proud of me
and the one person who wanted to be there could not and when i stood up i for got that she missed the best play of my softball career it broke my heart and it will for ever
and the rest of my family
my grandpa i wish he was there he would be so proud of my but i am still his super star of corse

Saturday, May 12, 2007


my sister is coming home tomrrow i am so excited she will be home for the summer she is a senior but she is going up there for one more year and then coming to go to unofor a year
i love her she much

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


today is my cousin's birthday he will be 2 years old he is crazy

P.S i am sorry that i have not good at updating my blogs

Saturday, May 5, 2007

spiderman 3

spiderman 3 can out the other day i can not wait to see it i heard its good i am so ecsited me and my 2 aunts, 2 uncles might go and see it together i hope we do

Sunday, April 29, 2007


my softball team took 2nd this weekend

Monday, April 16, 2007


do you know why girls say like
i dont
if you say like alot then you are a girly girl i am NOT a girly girl i
am a tom boy (a big one)
a lot of my friends say like alot is drives my crazy
like this like that shut up stop saying LIKE
are you a girl and do you say like a lot
its ok if you say you like something

Sunday, April 15, 2007


whats your favorite
whats your least favorite
colors are every where you look

white red black purple yellow blue orange pink brown gray green
light colors
dark colors

Friday, April 13, 2007

friday the 13th

do you belive in friday the 13th??
i don't because i think that it is just a normal day and good things happen
to me on friday the 13th

Friday, April 6, 2007


last weekend me and my mom went up to see my sister and on saturday night we have a softball party and it was just the softball players and us and my sisters friend was shooting olives at me with a fork and she hit my in the eye and i tackled her and she was tring to (stab) me with the fork it was a lot of fun

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007


i went to go and see my sister play in iowa city she did really good she did not know that we were coming up there and we suprised her it was cool

Saturday, March 17, 2007


texas is gonig all the way jkjkjkj

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

tow mater

tow mater is my favorite character

Sunday, March 4, 2007

the snow driffs

here are the snow driffs i was talking about

Friday, March 2, 2007

snow driffs

there were these snow driffs in front and in the back of my house they were all taller them me

Thursday, March 1, 2007


march is the mounth of the good luck carebear that one is my favorite

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

carebears, eeyore

you should care about things people and animals like carebears and eeyore care about you

Saturday, February 24, 2007


ginger bread houses are the best houses to live in even if i made it

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


this is a softball that i made on the paint program i made it for me and my sister because we both play softball on the ball it says quakes is my softball team and sdsu is for her softball team

Sunday, February 18, 2007

eeyore, nemo

me and my friend got a eeyore and a nemo from our friend for christmas they are so cute

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

the last time

this is the last time i will see her play this is the last time i wiil step on the feild with sdsu (south dakota state univarsity) see is going to go to school there next year but not play softball for them because she is tired of being hurt it is going to be one of the sadest days of my life to see her walk off that feild for the last time with the team she loves more then any other team in the world my sister is one of the best things that happend to me in my life i love her so much on one could ever take her away from me and no one can ever take me away from her i hope she thinks the same way about me
when she pulls up in her little honda that make me fell like my life is complet againg and i run out the door and we hold each other in each others arms and just stand there wishing that the moment could never end
when she leaves we hold each other the same way but never want to let go and a tier runs down both of our cheaks and she walks out the door and its to late to stop her and then in a second she gone and i sit there crying and she can't sit there with me and hold me
i miss my sister more then any thing in the world

Sunday, February 11, 2007


i went to my aunt and uncles house an i played the wii for a really long time it was so much fun. i hope that i get on for my house i would always play it. it is awsome

Saturday, February 3, 2007


you should stop and think about things before you say or do it

Thursday, February 1, 2007

you can do it

have you ever been running down a road and you true a corner and the road is just to long well it's not you have to have faith in yourself, an tell yourself that " you can do it". and if you don't believe in yourself everyone else around you does believe in you so take a chance in life i do every day. i run every day even if i say i can't do i say yes i can and i do because i believe in my self and i know i can do it.
you should believe in every one you ever meet because it will help you in the future
i believe in my family and my friends and you should too.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I wonder

If this is really where it comes from then i don't know what to say but weird

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Saturday, January 20, 2007


YUMMY all this candy was when i went to my aunts house and we made ginger bread houses. after they were all done we destroed them and my other aunt and i had a frosting fight there was frosting everywhere. and then we put frosting on our faces, it was so much fun we are going to do it next year

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Do you ever feel like the road never ends well that is have i feel now my sister went away for college and i wont seeher for a long time...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007

The vikings

If you have not heard the vikings are NOT going to the super bowl i am so mad.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Saturday, January 6, 2007

The Bracelet

Today I got a really cool bracelet it is made out of a baseball. I got it from my aunt Casey and my uncle Jerred for my birthday. It is really cool you can have your friends sign it.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


We get grades next week and i am worryed about them because i missed that whole week of school a few week ago. An i missed a lot. Everything is due the 11th so i hope i get done with everything. I think i will because i have great teachers and a awsome dad. He will help me with everything i love my dad.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

winter breaks

Do you ever think that winter breaks are way to short? I do my break started December 22nd, it ends january 3rd. I think that winter breaks should be at least a month long because they are to short and they are fun.

Monday, January 1, 2007

My birthday

Today is my 13th birthday. I am having a party with my family. I like having my birthday January 1st because I will never have to go to school on my birthday.